Tuesday 29 January 2008

Victory Not yet Quite Complete-The Childrens Centres

It seems we may have defeated the Council's move towards privatisation of the Childrens Centres. (Something which they are now naturally denying was ever their intent): Apparently their report was badly phrased when it instructed Officers to begin a procurement exercise for an alternative provider! This actually meant; according to fast backpedalling Councillors when faced with united parental staff and union opposition that they would consider whether "added value" could be given by exploring partnerships with the voluntary and community sector.

Any hows the long and the short is three of the five Centres are to be considered for devolving to Schools through service level agreements.This has its own dangers but is infinitely preferable to privatisation, we shall be working closely to protect our members interests and that of the users of these Centres. A fourth is to be considered for the same treatment or for a dreaded partnership (the acceptable P word). The fifth in the most deprived ward in the borough is due to become a 0-90 Centre (sounds marvellous doesn't it) but nobody including Senior Officers or Councillors seem able to tell us what that means yet!

We have however been given an absolute guarantee that none of these arrangements will require the transfer of staff out of the Council which is a victory of sorts. We shall be continuing to work with Parents against Privatisation to hold the council accountable for its actions

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