Tuesday 29 January 2008

Cuts Cuts and More cuts

It seems after a couple of years of stability in comparison to other Boroughs Haringey has caught the cuts bug. Fr the first time since 2000 we have received a "Section 188 Notice" The Formal notice an Employer is required ot serve when it is proposed to have more than 20 redundancies. Well when I say served that would be a bit of an exaggeration we actually got a rather limited and disorganised letter from the Employers with a list of posts lacking most of the important information we need. The notice was so jumbled that we have had to request additional information in order to identity those at risk.

As ever the Council has money to pay for new logoes, rebranding etc but not for vital services such as Care , Outreach libraries Services and the Wardens service The total number of staff potentially facing redundancy is in excess of 70. However it appears the position may be worse as we have already identified additional posts not included on the notice.

We will be working with the local community to oppose these attacks on the most vulnerable in our society.We will also be supporting those members effected and seeking to protect as many jobs as possible by way of redeployment

1 comment:

John said...

Hi Sean,

Can I ask a favour please? I'd like to include your blog in a blog aggregator for union blogs at www.tigmoo.co.uk

It's aimed at getting more union people out of the woodwork and blogging - more than 70 blogs on board so far.

If you're okay with this, it will scan your site every hour or so for new posts and then add the title, opening sentence and link to a list which people can subscribe to by RSS, letting them directly into your blog's latest story.

If you're happy with this idea, could you please let me know (and any other comments) at www.tigmoo.co.uk/?q=contact ?

Cheers, John