Wednesday 24 October 2007

The spirit of Tolpuddle is needed now

Here we are under a Labour government and victimisation of Trade Union members is still a reality. Under New Labour activists standing up against cuts and privatisation may no longer be deported but they still face trumped up disciplinary charges and potential loss of their jobs by vindictive employers.

So step forward Sir Robin Wales and chums at Newham for the award of the new James Frampton for their disgraceful victimisation of UNISON Branch Chair Michael Gavan. Closely followed by The Chief Executive of Manchester Community Mental Health Trust for their attacks on Karen Reisman.

All Trade Unionists must stand together to defend our comrades right to perform their elected duties and represent their members interests. So congratulations to UNISON members in Manchester for their magnificent strike action in denfence of Karen and to UNISON members in Newham for their overwhelming support for strike action in defence of Michael. Lay memebrs have shown the way now it is for those in authority in UNISON to ensure these two most recent cases of victimisation are brought to an end. Karen and Michael msut be reinstated NOW. If Michael is not then not a penny of Labour Link money should go towards Newham's Labour Group until it happens.

There is power in a Union

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