Sunday, 12 October 2008

BNP Smashed In Haringey

Follwing a very actve campaign led by UNISON, Haringey Trades Council and the Ferderation of Residents Associations the BNP received a grand total of 27 votes (0.9% of votes cast) Thid was almost no better than they received in the GLA elections where they did not stand a candidate or actively campaign in the ward.

The seat was comfortably held by the Liberal Democrats although with Labours vote remaning almost unchanged from 2006 and the Lib Dems 500 down it may show some sign of a revivial for Labour in a seat they previously held.

While the BNP may have bene seen off on this ocassion we are not being complacent and will be continuing to work closely with other anti fascist groups to help in the next real battle keeping them out of the European Seats in London.