Monday, 30 June 2008

Strike On 16th-17th JUly

July 16th-17th will see local government workers across England, Wales and Northern Ireland take strike action in support of our pay claim. I am under no illusions that we do so reluctantly but we must now deliver an effective strike. The arithmetic for the average LG Worker is simple 2.45% wont pay the bills it wont pay for the rising price of food (having gone to the supermarket this afternoon it was a shock how much things have gone up since this time last year) it wont pay for the rising electricity gas and water prices and if you drive one it wont pay for the petrol (or diesel in the car.

So Strike we must and strike we shall : Its time for our Labour Government to recognise that the pay limit is an artificial and blunt tool in combat ting inflation. Ordinary people know what causes inflation and it sure as hell isn't the wages of the local government (or public sector in general) workforce. The vast majority of public services worker are women and a large majority work part time delivering services to the most vulnerable, it was not an easy decision to strike for may of these people but they recognise the need to do so now.

In my own Branch we shall be attempting to ensure those who are striking have access to our
hardship fund to help alleviate the financial difficulties caused by taking action.

This is a strike we simply must win for the good of ourselves but also for the future of the public sector. Year on year pay cuts mean entry to the public sector becomes an ever less attractive proposition for new workers entering the labour market. If this accelerates the recruitment shortages will not be limited to specialisms like Social work and planning. Already people Can earn more working in Tescoes than they can looking after the most vulnerable through homecare or residential care this cannot go on .

We must be prepared to fight for a decent standard of living and recongise that sometiems a short term sacrifice is necessary to secure a longer term gain. This is exactly what resulted from the LGPS dispute in 2006, the National Pay dispute in 2002 and in my own borough a local dispute in 1999 agaisnt savage attacks on terms and conditions